HD The Lion King SEGA Walkthrough (No Death, Hard Mode)

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Антон Т. 1688 роликов
70740 просмотров
My walkthrough (longplay) of the Lion King (Sega / Genesis). This video game is based on famous cartoon. I've played The Lion King on difficult difficulty (hard mode) and my longplay is no death. Also all bonus levels in The Lion King have been shown.
If you've enjoyed my walkthrough like it please, leave your comment and subscribe to my channel!
My walkthrough (longplay) of the Lion King (Sega / Genesis). This video game is based on famous cartoon. I've played The Lion King on difficult difficulty (hard mode) and my longplay is no death. Also all bonus levels in The Lion King have been shown.
If you've enjoyed my walkthrough like it please, leave your comment and subscribe to my channel!
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